On January 1, I committed to blogging daily through the group NaBloPoMo … and then ran into blogging difficulties. I am playing a bit of catch-up tonight …
The theme is energy! The prompt for Thursday was, “What is your favorite way to recharge when you feel drained of energy?”
My all time favorite thing to do is to go to the beach! I love the
beach in all of the seasons … even the cold of winter. I can’t explain why the beach soothes and restores … I think it is in part the majesty of the sea, and the rhythm, the ebb and flow of water. There is a sense of calm – even when the wind is howling, the water surging, the sand blowing.
But, alas, I can’t get to the beach often … once, twice a year. Another seasonal preference for recharging is to dig in dirt, or take walks in the woods. Observing nature, the colors, textures, divine designs … gives a sense of renewal … and find myself ready to face the world again.
On typical days I recharge by reading and meditating. I love quiet. I can retreat inside … inside my own mind … find my center there … imagine myself curled up at the feet of God … resting, breathing in the peace He provides.
Tonight I am recharging … kicked back, wrapped in a favorite throw, cup of tea nearby, reading favorite blogs, enjoying a bit of quiet!