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With stammering lips and insufficient sound
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
I strive and struggle to deliver right
That music of my nature, day and night …
Why Blog?
Blogging is a kind of soul therapy for me. I enjoy Bible study, reflection, and thinking. I process my thinking through writing – so my blog is a personal adventure in self-understanding. You’ll find sermon notes, my digging into passages of scripture, personal reflections, poetry, hymns, and more!
Check out these latest posts …
- Walls that Grieve
- Doodling & Spiritual Growth
- Learning with Bananagrams
- Anxiety Disrupting Peace
- Just for Fun: AI Tools
I pray that my reflections and study will be helpful to others, to you, even inspirational and devotional. Welcome, again!
… This song of soul I struggle to outbear
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Through portals of the sense, sublime and whole,
And utter all myself into the air …
I am still learning about the process of blogging even after many years, prayerfully considering the content to share. One definite purpose still remains — my overarching goal — to honor and glorify my God.
May the King eternal, immortal, and invisible—the one and only God—now be honored and glorified forever and ever. Amen.
Let us, with a gladsome mind,
praise the LORD, for He is kind:
for His mercies shall endure,
ever faithful, ever sure.
Let us blaze His Name abroad,
for of gods, He is the God:
for His mercies shall endure,
ever faithful, ever sure.
He, with all-commanding might
filled the new-made world with light:
for His mercies shall endure,
ever faithful, ever sure.
Let us, therefore, warble forth.
His high majesty and worth:
for His mercies shall endure,
ever faithful, ever sure.
John Milton, 1623