We went to see the movie, “Last Chance Harvey”, tonight … clearly a chick flick, the story simple – but carried elegantly by Hoffman and Thompson. The story is about relationships, about the pain inherent in loving, about reconciliation.
It reminded me of a study that I’ve pursued over several years – exploring the concept of “blessing.” In Marcia Prager’s book, The Path of Blessing, I had marked these words some years ago …
For many of us, our initial exposure to his word came through the God-language that was taught to us as children. When we were young, Bible stories and prayers offered us an image of God mirroring the relationship of parent and child. … The Papa/King image, if taught and lived well by loving, patient, strong, gentle fathers, can be an anchor, offering an important gift to a part of the soul. The child we were remains within us; it does not disappear as we mature. When we understand that our inner child is alive within us, we need not discard its imagery. We never finish needing a caring father …
The movie does not parallel the picture of the papa/King for our heavenly Father has never forsaken us. But the movie does highlight our need for parental blessing. Even as adults – we long to hear our parents tell us of their love for us, encourage us in our journeys, and defend us against the ills of society.
For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.” The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. … How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!
In this quiet moment, my heavenly Father affirms his love for me … reminding me I am his daughter … he loves me, defends me, encourages me in my journey!