The creator of the universe hears the whisperings of my heart, knows the hidden desires within … I am amazed that the creator of the universe takes notice of me.
Thomas Moore writes, “One powerful convergence of spirituality and sensuality in a garden lies in the aromas and smells, first of the earth and then of flowering plants. The sense of smell not only conjures up memory as is well known, a primary activity of the soul, but is intimately implicated in the spiritual life.”
Eugene Peterson paraphrases Psalm 141 this way, “God, come close. Come quickly! Open your ears—it’s my voice you’re hearing! Treat my prayer as sweet incense rising; my raised hands are my evening prayers.”
As I tend to the garden, stop to smell the roses … the fragrance reminds me that my prayers are incense rising to God … the sacrifice of praise … music in his ears … the creator of the universe is listening.