Bread …
Yesterday I posted my sermon notes. In Luke 24, the Emmaus disciples were schooled by Jesus – what an amazing opportunity! A favorite author writes this prayer –
I love how you came alongside of the Emmaus men, for I am so much like them. I am a foolish, slow-of-heart man who constantly needs you to preach the gospel to my heart by the Holy Spirit. How I praise you for your tender forbearance, unlimited patience, and grace-full persistence.
Scotty Smith, Everyday Prayers, page 113
The disciples sat down to dinner with Jesus, still not knowing who He was. And why Jesus broke the bread is a mystery. The man of the house obviously passed that honor to his guest. It was in that moment, the breaking of bread, the blessing that Jesus revealed who He was to them. The Bread of Life, the bread shared at Passover, the manna from heaven, breaking the bread, and in that moment, opening their eyes.
Bread is the the staff of life, our foundational sustenance, a global comfort food! Tortillas, naan, pita, biscuits, rolls, the baguette … every community has its form of bread that are a must! Bread fills us up but always leaves us wanting more!
Jesus said, “I am the Bread of Life.” (John 6:35)
He says, I AM
~ Original, 2009
Power meets lamb
Willingly broken
Forgiveness spoken
Sustaining bread
By Him I’m fed
Spirit and life
Amidst the strife
Mystery revealed
To Him I yield
Wholeness is mine
A life divine
The day that Jesus identified Himself as bread to the crowds, His words were shocking, scandalous, even a stumbling block to the religious leaders. He did not soften His message, did not make it politically correct or culturally acceptable. Instead, He spoke the very thing that would catch their attention, “eat my body, drink my blood.”
People were offended, and many followers fell away. But Peter confessed, “You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and to know that you are the Holy One of God.”
And so it was for the disciples walking on the road to Emmaus! When Jesus broke that bread, they, too, knew that He was the Holy One of God!
Love revealed … this bread, his flesh,
given for the life of the world!
You are the bread of life, dear Lord, to me,
your holy word the truth that rescues me.
Give me to eat and live with you above;
teach me to love your truth, for you are love.O send your Spirit now, dear Lord, to me,
Mary Lathbury, 1877
that he may touch my eyes and make me see.
Show me the truth made plain within your Word,
for in your book revealed I see you, Lord.