The practice of looking back and paying attention serves as an anchor for the soul in a fast-moving world.
Emily P. Freeman, Episode 61
Today I’m looking back at the month of May. I love the spring time, new growth, the promise of summer. Looking forward to summer is ingrained in my nature since I spent most of my adult life centered on a school calendar. So May has always represented hope and anticipation.
Where did you see God in May?
I’m learning to ask this one question every month, “Where did you see God last month?” It’s not an easy question to answer because in some ways I see Him everywhere! As I thumb through my photos for the past month, I see so many pictures of flowers – from the Wildflower Center, from our back yard. I love the beauty of nature even now as I write from a porch overlooking the rolling hills of central Texas. I also see pictures of our grandsons swimming. They mastered the art of faces in water, monitoring their breath, stretching out across the surface to float. I see God in the growth and development of 4 year olds who are so quick to learn, laugh and play! I see God especially in their creative play, how they use their imaginations. I’m reminded that we inherit our creativity from our loving Creator – what an enjoyable gift!
What is a favorite “Yes!” from the month of May?
Somewhat hesitantly, and at the last minute, I joined a writing community in May. Hope*Writers opens for new members only a few times each year. I follow Emily P. Freeman, one of the co-founders of the organization. My heart is drawn to her gentle instruction and writing style. Her recommendations for the group kept coming around, and the more I investigated, the more I was interested. At the same time, I was reluctant to join. Am I really a writer? Do I really want to invest in writing? Is my writing prompted by the Spirit – what He wants me to pursue? So far, even though it’s only been a few days, joining Hope*Writers is a favorite YES. I am anticipating clarity!
What is one thing you learned about yourself or was reminded about yourself in May?
In May I participated in a writing challenge hosted by Hope*Writers. It’s one reason I said “yes” to joining that community. What I was reminded about myself is that I like challenge. I like having a prompt, a deadline, a goal! The writing challenge was simple, 7 prompts, 7 days, 7 instagram posts. Quite possibly the harder part of the challenge was deciding on how to represent my posts with pictures. The writing was fun. I am still thinking about the lessons I might learn from the challenge – one is definitely that the structure provided somehow supported me. Another lesson uncovered is that I lack any regular rhythm in writing. That’s something I am thinking about – carrying over into June. I am anticipating what a writing rhythm might look like in my life! By the way, I’ve included the links to those **Instagram posts below** if you want to see what I did with the challenge.
As I close out the month of May, I am anticipating the summer – spending time swimming with the grandsons, exploring the great outdoors. I’m also anticipating clarity in my writing life. What might a rhythm look like? What structure might be helpful in developing my writing? Last, I am anticipating new relationships, new learning, new opportunities as I engage in the Hope*Writers community.
Sharing writers new to me … check out these posts!
Amy writes out of love for the Word of God – writing about the scripture she is reading. Her recent post on obedience illustrated from stories in Joshua will encourage you!
Twyla writes about missional living. From her latest post, “When we get small and quiet, we see how big God is and hear the tenderness in His whispers. Small is the vantage point, and slow sets a sustainable pace. And here is where we grow because it’s Him growing louder and nearer and dearer, and we can’t help but to begin looking more like Him when He lives inside us.” Her words are helpful if you are thinking about how to serve God in your everyday living!
I’ve mentioned Sarah’s writing in a previous post. Recently she suggested a few ways to develop a connected life. Check out her post and follow her on Instagram!
One Word …
“Anticipate” is not just a vague thought about what is going to happen, but is more of a definite prediction of the future, with some implication that you are taking steps to deal with the forecast outcome.
English Language & Usage
In previous months I held on to the words “expectant” and “connections.” I am carrying the word, “anticipation,” into the summer months! To anticipate is proactive – I’m thinking ahead and taking steps – making summer plans, scheduling vacations, and making room for writing to achieve clarity!
Take my life and let it be
Frances R. Havergal
consecrated, Lord, to thee.
Take my moments and my days;
let them flow in endless praise,
let them flow in endless praise.
**If you are interested in looking at the Hope*Writers Challenge posts from Instagram, here are the prompts and links:
Thank you ever so much for the shout-out, and welcome to Hope*Writers. I joined a couple years ago, and it’s a decision I’ll never regret!
What a beautiful reflection. Keep up the great work!