Sometimes a portion of scripture just seems to pop out … in a way unlike other days. That’s how it has been with a section of Exodus … the part about the crossing of the Red Sea.
The Spirit wants to use this scripture in my life … maybe in yours.
The Exodus
Written while reading Exodus 12 – 14
Moses spoke for God
Pharaoh let God’s people go
God vigil did keep
Up, out, and armed for battle
From Pharaoh Israel escaped!
By day, guiding cloud
At night the pillar of fire
God out front always
But still doubt and fear ensued
Does God really know what’s best?
Do not be afraid
The Lord will deliver you
God spoke – just be still
With cloud and fire between them
A mighty wind God did blow!
Divided waters
Dry land over which to cross
God gave victory
The sea resuming its place
Pharaoh’s men were swept to sea!
God saved his children
His awesome power displayed
On Israel’s behalf
Fearful reverence resulted –
Israel put her trust in God!
~ original, 2009
Was it not you who dried up the sea, the waters of the great deep, who made a road in the depths of the sea so that the redeemed might cross over? ~Isaiah 51:10